Who we are

Who we are

Foyle Hospice provides ongoing palliative care services for patients with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses while supporting their families and loved ones across the Western Health and Social Trust area in Northern Ireland. Our commitment is to improve the quality of life of patients while extending care and support to their families and loved ones.

Together we care PC

Our Mission

To provide compassionate palliative care to individuals with a life limiting illness, their families and carers through high quality, specialist, holistic support.

Our Vision

Working in collaboration with our local community, we will strive for excellence and seek innovation in providing specilaist, multi-professional, palliative care to patients, their families and carers in the hospice and their own homes.

Our Objectives

Provide high quality palliative care

  • Continued delivery of core services
  • Maintaining and improving clinical governance structures
  • Service development as identified by frontline care staff

Stakeholder Involvement and Public Participation

  • To maintain and improve positive engagement with service users, their familes and friends
  • To grow, develop, support and manage our volunteer

Partnership Working

  • To establish and develop positive partnerships with other organisations to plan and deliver services


  • To increase awareness and improve understanding of the needs of people with life limiting conditions across the wider community
  • To identify suitable training and learning opportunties, encourage participation and faciliate team excellence thorugha programme of ongoing development and supporting enrichment, resilience and self care for all our staff and volunteers


  • To make the most effective and efficient use of resources including;
  • Financial planning and management
  • Income generation
  • Marketing, communications and public relations
  • Human Resources
  • Built environment

How we are Funded

It costs approximately £3.7 million per year to maintain our existing services. All our services are free to patients and relatives.

We receive approximately 30% of our total annual running costs from the Health & Social Care Board. The gap in funding means that we are heavily dependent on grant awarding bodies along with the good will and generosity of the local community. 

Local financial support comes primarily from many individuals, businesses and support groups, providing 70% of our annual running costs. The vital contribution from our 500+ volunteer community complementing the work of our staff, guarantees that every patient and their family receive, free of charge, an exemplary specialist palliative care service.