Patient Services

Foyle Hospice offers a range of support services, including Telephone Advice and Chaplaincy.


Being diagnosed with a life-limiting illness makes life uncertain for patients and their families, causing us to question things that we previously took for granted. Perhaps it makes us fearful about the future.

The main work of Chaplains in the Inpatient Unit is to be present, to come alongside patients, families and carers to offer much needed support and the opportunity to explore their own thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears. Chaplains offer a listening ear and time to address feelings about the reality of living with an illness or any concerns approaching the end of life.

Chaplains can also offer more specific spiritual help through prayer, reading of scripture and religious services. At all times we respect the right of individuals not to avail of chaplaincy visits and we usually ascertain these wishes on admission to the inpatient unit.

Foyle Hospice has Chaplains from the main Christian denominations. Please speak to a nurse or doctor for more information pertaining to our Chaplaincy Services.

LIST OF CHAPLAINS ( subject to change)

  • Presbyterian:  Rev Alastair Rosborough 

  • Methodist: Jennifer Gault 

  • Church of Ireland: Rev David McBeth 

  • Roman Catholic: Father McDevitt,  Father Clerkin

24 Hour Telephone Advice

The Medical and Nursing team at Foyle Hospice Inpatient Unit provides 24/7 telephone advice service to patients, families, carers and other health professionals regarding symptom management and any areas of concern relating to their illness/condition.

Please call the above number and ask to speak to a Nurse or Doctor regarding your query. It will be very helpful if you have information regarding you/your relative’s illness, e.g: diagnosis, present medication and nature of concern at the time, so that appropriate advice can be given.

The health professional dealing with your call will be able to give you advice regarding symptoms or alternatively refer you to appropriate out-of-hours services e.g: Western Urgent Care Out-of-Hours GP.

Compassionate Communities

Compassionate Communities Northern Ireland connects with communities and organisations. Together they work in partnership to improve the experiences of dying, death and bereavement.

Their aim is to improve the experiences of death, dying and bereavement for everyone in Northern Ireland.

Compassionate Communities facilitate education and awareness on the social and practical needs of people impacted by dying, death and bereavement.

They create opportunities for conversation on matters relating to advanced illness, caregiving, dying, death and bereavement.

They work in partnership with individuals and organisations to create supportive networks that reduce social isolation and loneliness.

Interested in getting involved?

Contact Sharon