You're pennies make a difference!
Every year thousands of pounds continue to be donated through our Coin Hunt collection boxes which are situated in homes, businesses and schools throughout the North West.
Every penny makes a difference and as the old saying goes, look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves!
Your loose change all adds up and donating your pennies is an easy and affordable way to support your local hospice.
We can provide coin boxes for your shop, business and even a small one for your home!
Contact our fundraising office on 02871 359 888 or email to get yours today.
Hospice Harry Boxes
Encouraging Hospice future fundraisers!
‘Hospice Harry Heroes’ is for Nursery and Primary School children and features a specially designed coin box to help them fundraise.
Hospice Harry, our mascot will send a personalised certificate to all children who return their boxes to us.
If you would like a box for your school, classroom or to send home with the students or to ask about how you can get involved with our ‘Hospice Harry’ Coin Hunt Campaign please call us now.
For more information
We are always looking for new locations for our collection boxes, so if you would like to have one, whether it is at home or at work, or if you already have one and it needs emptying please contact our Fundraising Centre.
- (028) 71 359 888